
The Association of Fund-Raising Distributors and Suppliers is managed by Ballantine Management in Orlando, Florida. 


Tom Ballantine, Ballantine Management CEO and AFRDS Executive Director

Jennifer Patterson, VP, Association Management 

Jill Moss, Manager, Association Management

Ruth Behrle, Controller

Valerie Ballantine, Contracts & Compliance Manager


Association of Fund-Raising Distributors & Suppliers, Inc.
5858 Lakehurst Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
(P) 407-821-8841
(F) 407-854-9992



AFRDS Mission

To unify, promote and safeguard the fundraising industry

5858 Lakehurst Drive | Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: (407) 821-8841
Fax: (407) 854-9992


AFRDS is managed by Ballantine Management | Orlando, FL 

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